Santa Monica Poet Laureate, Alumnus Anne Carmack

Congratulations to alumnus Anne Carmack on her selection as Santa Monica’s first Poet Laureate. In honor of Anne, the Santa Monica Library will be hosting a workshop with her (details below) that is open to the public on Saturday afternoon, April 20th from 2-3pm with a brief reception to follow in their courtyard at 3pm.
Anne Carmack writes as witness and strives to make meaning out of everything she sees. Through her short form poetry she seeks to keep a running record of fleeting moments of true emotion – feelings that occur in real time. In this free one hour community workshop Anne will lead you through her process of using micro-poetry as another essential way of paying close attention and relating to the world.
Here’s one of her works she sent to JG after he synchronously happened to be in attendance at the Santa Monica Council meeting, the same evening Council approved a grant for the DNA Festival Santa Monica that he’s co-chairing.
He will be at the workshop at the reception if you can join!
Please watch for additional communications about our own event with Anne very soon.
I hope this poem finds you well
unhidden, whole and
at home in a world
that welcomes you
and wraps you up
in eager arms
I hope that every cake candle wish
is coming true
and that every old penny
you tossed into the water
when you were still small
has paid off
I hope