Industry Interview Nancey Silvers

Wed. Oct 9th, 5:00-6:30pm PST, Free Industry Interview
Alumnus Nancey Silvers, Writer and Creator, Hallmark’s Chesapeake Shores, WILLIAM AND KATE, ELIAZABETH SMART STORY.
Moderated by Founder Jeffrey Gordon
In-Person Priority for Pro Members: RSVP to
Other guests invited to participate via zoom
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Normally reserved for our Professional Members as part of their ongoing benefits, we’re opening this event to all alumni and their guests as space permits!
Please join us as JG conducts a one-on-one conversation with one of our favorite alumni, Nancey Silvers, who grilled him prior to her sign-up for an early Basic Training back in his living room. Her Writers Boot Camp feature script was set up numerous times as she also adapted it for television, and even then, Nancey deftly extended her ideas for stronger impact and impressed producers and executives at meetings on her clever project variations.
Nancey Silvers, creator and writer of Hallmark’s series Chesapeake Shores, has written and produced dozens of movies for television, including WILLIAM AND KATE and the ELIZABETH SMART STORY. A Writers Boot Camp alumnus, she started her career as an actor and segued to become a writer in all formats, expanding her wonderful range of performance to spontaneously wax poetically during pitch meetings, turning story set-ups into more complete frameworks for satisfying and inspired stories. More recently, she just completed writing an Alzheimer’s love story, LOVE AGAIN and is currently developing a television series about “sisters from different misters”.
As Nancey told JG after committing to speak and share her fantastic insight once again with our alumni community, “Most of what I’ve written is original. I create stories with high concepts. It’s an asset in writing to pitch a story that one can see easily. Any concept can become a high concept. Most writers come to me for help with story ideas. The key is to make a point and to have something to say. Then twist the idea a new way with original characters. I always ask myself what a character is in therapy for. That way you get a rich background and something important for that character to have to work through.”
You may forward this invite to friends, colleagues and fellow alumni who will be interested in this topic, especially writers and filmmakers who will benefit from Writers Boot Camp’s support.
If you RSVP and then find you cannot attend, please let us know. While the event is free, the staff and speakers spend much time and effort.
For more info about Writers Boot Camp you can call 310/998-1199, check out, or email
We always love to hear from alumni with news and success stories!