Mini-Camp: Free Script Evaluation
Normally reserved for our Professional Members, this event is open to alumni, friends, and colleagues in solidarity with our brothers and sisters at the Writers Guild of America–and other union members in the entertainment industry. Due to our preparation for the event, we ask that if you RSVP to please let us know if you have a last-minute conflict and cannot attend.
Thursday, 5/18 4-5pm LA time (via zoom)
LA Mini-Camp: Free Script Evaluation
with Founder Jeffrey Gordon
Once you RSVP, zoom controls your attendance/access.
We invite you to enjoy a Mini-Camp with Writers Boot Camp Founder Jeffrey Gordon about freeing writers from outside script evaluation. We’ll not only review the most Common First Draft Problems, we’ll deploy a checklist of tools and tests to help you evaluate your own material to empower your own authority, as well as pre-empt premature script submission to entertainment companies and friends in the business. In a relationship business, relationships can be perishable–especially when your work is not showing up at the highest level of professionalism.
Linked to our mission of launching careers and dispelling fallacies through the years has been to free our alumni from the need, as well as the need to pay for, outside script evaluation. Every service and process we offer includes script evaluation by the staff, along with the goal to empower you with their own agency and creative authority toward understanding your next stage of work and achievement. In fact, an ongoing benefit of Professional Membership is the option to submit material on an annual basis for free script evaluation.
Of session, everyone can benefit from the insight of a seasoned practitioner, executive or producer who’s willing to take time to be supportive with notes. But too often screenwriters impose on their friends in the business by submitting early drafts of scripts that are premature to evaluate due to the lack of development and insufficient rewriting. These writing issues are also writer issues. Inexperience and impatience prevent writers from testing their own material for the Conceptual, Structural, Character Development and Scene Work problems that need to be vetted by your professional awareness and authority as a writer. Writers Boot Camp’s tools help empower your expertise as the writer!
Apart from the consulting work we do for entertainment companies, we don’t solicit fees for script evaluation and don’t believe writers should operate in the manner to seek and pay for script evaluation. While we respect the value of a professional’s time to provide insight and notes, as well as the artist’s wish for access to the industry and eventual representation, the insight and comments of even the best facilitator can be lost to a writer’s inexperience or mitigated by the inevitable need for further attention to concept and rewriting.
That’s why we teach tools for development and why our Professional Membership alumni learn dozens of unique rewriting exercises, as well as development tools applicable to the many stages it takes for your script to merit submission.
Call 310/998-1199 for information or email with questions or to share alumni news.