At Writers Boot Camp you become a writer while you write your script. Our unique emphasis on writing results gives you the experience of quickly developing your own concept and story. Whether you’re writing your first script or already working on your next paid writing job, we’ll help you to write smarter and faster. By using unique tools to brainstorm more effectively, reduce wasteful outlining and prevent premature editing. With our planning and evaluation strategies you’ll become a confident authority of your own work.
Imagine the personal breakthrough of transforming your creative dream into a reality. Imagine seeing your script become a motion picture or landing you a TV staff position. Since 1989, Writers Boot Camp has supported thousands of men and women through the art, craft and profession of screenwriting, changing some lives forever and helping to launch hundreds of new careers at the highest level of the entertainment industry.
Basic Training
Basic Training will help you turn a single-sentence idea into a first draft, feature film, television script or web series in seven short weeks our first-draft process empowers writers of all backgrounds–actors, advertising professionals, filmmakers, producers, executives, attorneys, bloggers, to write quickly and to learn tools for collaboration. Basic Training is offered in the context of our main mission of full development yet is not a prerequisite for Professional Membership. It’s perfect for anyone starting out…
Professional membership: Full Development & Rewriting
Professional Membership gets you through your first drafts quickly and also puts you on pace to complete a script every six months. Our full-development process takes you through as many as 10 drafts of your script to navigate the entire professional screenwriting process, from concept all the way through the many phases of rewriting.
In less time than you would try to perfect just one project on your own, Professional Membership takes you through potentially four scripts, including free script evaluation for your future career. Consulting sessions are every other week, divided into Project Cycles of six months each, including multiple script deadlines, yet still working 10 hours per week to fit comfortably into your lifestyle and balance writing with your day job.