“I’ve taken full advantage of WBC pro membership by customizing “the tools” to fit my needs, enhance my strengths, highlight my weaknesses and evolve my process… As an independent filmmaker who writes the membership has been invaluable.”
–Debra Eisenstadt, writer-director, Independent Spirit Award Winner for Daydream Believer
Thank you so much for everything. I am grateful for my mentor, Jeff, and Writers Boot Camp. You helped me maintain the courage to follow through with my writing, leading not only to the completion of my script, but that script lead to the sale of another pitch with a premium cable network.
–David Knoller, Producer, Big Love
“I joined WBC during law program and their practical approach to finding a few hours a week to write made finishing law program and becoming a screenwriter simultaneously possible. I’m not sure how I would have done it without them.”
–Tamara Kagel, writer, lawyer
“Writers Boot Camp was really instrumental for me in starting my career and I’m forever grateful for the tools it provided (and still provide).”
–Heather Hach, Freaky Friday
“It was a great jump start for me. I had stalled a little bit – was having trouble coming up with ideas, etc. Writers Boot Camp got me into a writing routine, and gave me some good tools to get unstuck. Also, I was able to finish a script on deadline – even though it needed a lot of work, I started to feel like I had enough drive to keep at it.”
–Marti Noxon, Creator Unscipted, consulting producer, Mad Men
“It was a great initiation into screenwriting because they treat it without a lot of hocus pocus or angst or craziness. Their approach is: “This is totally achievable just put one foot in front of the other and six weeks later, you’ll have a first draft.” I like that attitude.”
–Lizzy Weiss, Screenwriter, BLUE CRUSH
“With a hit Off Broadway play under my belt, I still knew nothing of screenwriting technique before enrolling in Writers Boot Camp. In fact, it was my first writing session of any kind (Pro Membership was the second).“
–Steven Sater, writer, Tony-award winner, Spring Awakening
“I loved the jump in there and go for it approach. I love the camaraderie of others struggling alongside of you. I love that writer’s block is simply eliminated from your bag of distractions.”
–Moon Zappa, novelist
“Writers Boot Camp gave me the confidence and the tools to pursue a writing career – it was the first class I took when I stopped being an attorney. Actually having to write a script during a six week Boot Camp instead of just being lectured to really lets you know very quickly if you’ve got what it takes to go to war. The subsequent two Think Tanks I took really reinforced the discipline needed to create a body of work and a career.”
–Todd Samovitz, writer, WONDERLAND
“It was really useful in helping me attack a script and get my head around an idea. I used to just hack at stories, writing tons of stuff and then cutting. WBC allowed me to do a lot of that structural work earlier in the process.”
–Matt Nix, Creator-Executive Producer, Burn Notice
“I’ve taken two writers boot camp classes — one in nyc seven years ago and one in LA April 2003. I found both classes extremely helpful in terms of structure, format, and teacher and class feedback. I recommend the program to any writer at any point in his career.
–Dana Klein, writer, Friends
“My Writers Boot Camp script got me an agent, five TV movies, and a feature deal in two years.”
–Nancey Silvers, Writer-Producer, 30 TV Movies
“The only real obstacles to writing (a script) are confidence and procedure–Can I do it? How do I do it? Writers Boot Camp virtually blasts you through both of those doors. I might never have written my first screenplay without it.”
–Peter Weller, Actor and Director, Naked Lunch, The New Age
“After twelve years of banging my head against the proverbial wall I was ready to chuck the industry entirely and go back to writing books and plays. Writers Boot Camp changed all that.”
–Steve Kluger, Screenwriter/Novelist, Once Upon a Crime, Last Days of Summer
“Writers Boot Camp gave me support in the crucial beginning stages of my first movie which landed me an overall studio deal.”
–Schawn Schepps, Screenwriter Encino Man, TV writer, Weeds
“Writers Boot Camp is a no-nonsense approach that can work for the novice as well as the expert. If you’ve always wanted a way to organize your ideas, Writers Boot Camp will get your attention.”
–Michael O’Keefe, Oscar-nominated Actor, The Great Santini, Ironweed, and Caddyshack
“Thank you again for such a great class tonight at the SAG Foundation. To date, I haven’t enjoyed a class this much. You didn’t waste a single word in what you said and had appropriate humor to keep everyone engaged.”
–Brigid O’Connell, Professional Member, actor