AAPI Contributions Fellowship IV

Fellowship Application Deadline: Thursday, May 23rd, 5pm, LA time. You can apply via the application at the bottom of this page.
Writers Boot Camp continues our support of fresh voices this month by providing three $2500 full scholarships to writers in the Tuesday, June 11th Basic Training. Candidates must be available to write 10 hours per week for 10 weeks during the Basic Training process that has supported more than 12,000 writers and filmmakers over the past 35 years. While we celebrate our anniversary each October, the first session conducted by JG was in his living room in March 1989 during his last semester of his MFA at USC’s Peter Stark Producing Program.
This month’s theme of “AAPI Contributions IV” is our fourth offering in this category of creative material that supports the voices of artists, writers, and filmmakers with Asian American Pacific Islander heritage.
Whether you’re writing a family story, one about an unheralded individual in leadership or American history, a genre with specific thematic significance, or profound change and artistic achievement of AAPI people and subjects–this month’s creative parameters are otherwise unlimited. The only project requirements are AAPI lead characters and subject matter.
Pertinent professional experience combined with cogent answers will complement the project idea to determine the three winners.
Eligibility Notes
Writers Boot Camp alumni who have applied to a prior fellowship within the past six months–or who have won before–may apply for fun yet are not eligible to win.
Winners must confirm their availability to participate in Basic Training, along with 10 hours per week for creative exercises and writing for 10 weeks without risk of dropping due to outside conflict or work opportunity. Only winners will be notified individually. All non-winners will be notified by email within a few days of the selection of winners.
Our Remarkable Track Record and Diversity Emphasis
There are few places in society for artists to seek and receive personal support. No one does what we do and with as much depth of process. Writers Boot Camp’s tools are meant to empower your own authority. The tools and materials are more a language for collaboration and for describing your creative goals than a formula to fit your story.
Writers Boot Camp’s remarkable success of supporting diversity and a range of creative voices is unparalleled in the business. Over the nine years Fox Diversity sponsored writers through Basic Training, 50% of the writers attracted staff television jobs, including top showrunners today.
In fact, women represent a higher percentage of our overall alumni success stories—and through the years we’ve awarded nearly half a million dollars in fellowship awards to writers and filmmakers of diverse heritage, highlighting opportunities for women of color.
You can see countless other movie and TV credits by Writers Boot Camp alumni on our A-List Credits page.
The Fellowship Application
Please complete only one application per person. Partners working together may apply via separate applications utilizing the same project. Keep every answer to only one single sentence, including your answers to the four topical questions combined into one four-sentence paragraph. Again, alumni who have applied to a fellowship in the past six months–or who have won before–are not eligible to win. Please Don’t Wait Until The Last Minute to Apply!
Fellowship Application Deadline: Thursday, May 23rd, 5pm, LA time.